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Veterinary Help


You can find several excellent websites about general care for your animal companion in our links section, however one of our priorities is to ensure that no animal suffers unnecessarily in the event of illness or injury, and there are a variety of subsidised healthcare services to help those unable to pay for veterinary attention.

We strongly recommend pet insurance from a reputable insurance company; some animals can be insured for as little as £5 per month, and when you consider that even a simple broken leg can cost thousands of pounds in vets bills it is well worth paying for to ensure you can always provide care in any situation for your companion.

Emergency Veterinary Treatment

Take the animal to your nearest veterinary surgery or call their out of hours telephone number (which can be found in the “Yellow Pages” or your telephone book). Alternatively, call the RSPCA emergency line on 03001234999.

In association with local veterinary surgeons the branch is able to offer financial assistance to people on means-tested benefits, do not leave an animal to suffer, we can find ways to help, please call Daphne Harris on 01622 891222.

In the case of injured widlife we recommend you immediately call your local veterinary surgery; most will treat wildlife at no charge, please don’t leave an injured animal to a slow and painful death.

Assisted Neutering Scheme

With the support of local veterinary surgeons we are able to offer many owners on means tested benefits half price neutering in the interests of reducing the number of unwanted pets in the area. Due to pressures on our funds we can only offer the service to those on benefits.

If you would like to have your animal neutered please call the Headcorn Cattery on 01622 891222 Monday-Friday between 12 noon and 2 pm. You will need to show proof you are in receipt of benefit.  Please note that it is RSPCA policy not to pay bills that have been incurred without authorisation.

Veterinary Practices that participate in the Neutering Scheme

  • Abbotsley Veterinary Group at West Malling & Aylesford
  • Mote Park Veterinary Surgery in Maidstone
  • Culverden Veterinary Group, Tunbridge Wells
  • Dacre House Veterinary Surgery, Tunbridge Wells

A big thank you to them all for their help and support!

Tunbridge Wells & Maidstone Branch
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